Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bootlegs. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bootlegs. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024

Enya - Music Video Collection (DVD, 2022)

Ha llegado a mis manos en días recientes este set en DVD con prácticamente todos los vídeos oficiales de Enya. Habiendo sido publicado en 2022, dicha colección aún puede encontrarse en Internet a un precio realmente asequible, teniendo en cuenta que no se trata de un producto ni oficial, ni aprobado por la compañía Warner Music. Por tanto, su venta queda reducida a muy pocos sitios particulares desde el cual realizar un pedido. Yo pude adquirirlo a través de la web

Carátula DVD Enya - Music Video Collection


Y tratándose, entonces, de un 'bootleg', hay cosas que advertir de entrada. Pese a lo que, según dicen, se ha mejorado y reescalado muchos de ellos a una resolución de 4K (¿en un DVD?), ésta no la veo por ninguna parte. Para que tengan los videos una alta resolución como prometen, se tenía que haber elaborado esta colección en Blu-Ray con tal de conseguir tal definición.

Después de darle un primer visionado, veo que videoclips como "I Want Tomorrow" mantienen una resolución algo pobre, sin posibilidad alguna de reescalado o mejora. En YouTube, este mismo videoclip se encuentra a una resolución aceptable, según quien lo comparta. Pero que se sepa, aún no he visto una versión del mismo en alta definición, de forma oficial, en ningún portal de videos aun habiéndose extraído del documental "The Celts" de la BBC.

Otra serie de vídeoclips se han reescalado de su formato original panorámico al simplista 4:3, sobre todo entre los últimos lanzados y promocionados oficialmente por Warner Music a partir del álbum "A Day Without Rain" de Enya. Esta forma de manipular la imagen de dichos clips tampoco me ha gustado mucho.

En otro videoclip, "On My Way Home" el sonido queda como algo "borroso", sin la calidad suficiente. También se ha descuidado el sonido en otros clips de esta colección.

Además, no se han cuidado tanto las entradas como los finales de muchos videos que, esperando un "fade out" en proporción tanto del sonido como de la imagen en una especie de fundido en negro, no se producen. No se ha cuidado de forma profesional estos aspectos y, en mi modesta opinión, me deja con una sensación de que no se ha puesto mucho mimo en su producción, aun tratándose de un lanzamiento hecho por fans (probablemente) para muchos fans de Enya.

Aun así, esta colección compuesta por hasta 31 canciones de Enya y por poco más de 14 euros puede ser una buena oportunidad para aquéllos que quieran acercarse al sonido de esta artista irlandesa, actualmente retirada del mundanal ruido y de la industria musical en su castillo de Killiney, en el condado de Dublín.

No obstante, lanzo esta pregunta a quien corresponda en Warner Music y Warner Bros. Records en general, entendiendo que son los actuales adjudicatarios de los derechos de autor sobre la música de Enya, si tienen previsto publicar algo parecido pero directamente al mercado del Blu-Ray conteniendo TODOS los videoclips de la compositora y cantante irlandesa, en HD y/o 4K real. Los videos oficiales "Moonshadow" (VHS) de 1991 y "The Video Collection" (DVD) de 2002 realmente saben a poco y muchos videoclips no pueden quedar al albor de lo que puedan hacer sitios como YouTube con ellos en un futuro próximo.

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

Mike Oldfield - Old Tin Boxes (4 CD bootleg)

Recopilatorios privados que entran dentro de la categoría de 'bootlegs' sobre Mike Oldfield han existido desde hace bastante tiempo y cuyo origen se remonta hacia los años 90 concretamente cuando aparecen en forma de cintas o CDs caseros, que después iban copiándose entre quienes conocían de su existencia gracias al boca-boca o a través de anuncios realizados en boletines o fanzines hechos por fans del músico. Entre los muchos realizados y con una calidad más o menos decente, me encuentro con éste en concreto que recoge muchas rarezas sobre Mike, de una calidad bastante contrastada entre los temas incluidos, pero dada su cantidad y lo que contiene este Old Tin Boxes, pudiendo caber todo en cuatro CDs de audio, pues merece la pena reseñar, si bien querría recomendaros fervientemente otro recopilatorio de mayor calidad hecho por fans y solo para los fans de Oldfield: The Comprehensive Collection of Mike Oldfield Singles & Rarities (también para 4 CD). De éste mismo, ya hablaré con más calma en otro momento.

Como digo, la calidad general del audio de esta colección privada realizada por un grupo de fans es más que discreta, habiendo un poco de todo: desde la canción que tiene un mejor sonido hasta aquélla cuya calidad cae justamente al otro lado de la balanza.

Sin embargo, conviene reseñar que no solamente hay algunas rarezas extraidas de algunas fuentes como sencillos tanto de la discografía de Mike como de otras fuentes, LPs, directos (conciertos en vivo y cuya grabación ha quedado recogida en cintas de cassette) o incluso emisiones de radio, sin dejar de mencionar las varias colaboraciones realizadas por Mike con diferentes grupos y artistas de la época, siendo más relevantes las realizadas con varios de sus amigos de entonces: Kevin Ayers, David Bedford, Pierre Moerlen o Tom Newman. También se han incluidos 'covers' de temas célebres de Oldfield realizados por otros artistas, como por ejemplo el famoso orquestador y director Percy Faith (tema 7 del primer disco) arreglando el último movimiento de la primera parte de Tubular Bells con un estilo muy setentero y que, curiosamente, fue utilizado como cabecera para un programa juvenil sobre deportes de Televisión Española a partir de 1976: "Torneo", conducido por Daniel Vindel.

Por supuesto, este tipo de material no es vendible bajo ningún concepto y se transmite a través de la red o por otros medios, solo para los aficionados a la música de Mike Oldfield. Localizarlo en internet no resulta complicado, pero no voy a dar detalles al respecto si uno sabe mirar. Éste es su tracklist al completo:

Disc One:
1. Tubular Bells (Edit) – US Single Side A
2. Tubular Bells (side B - VS101) (‘Bell’ section) – US Single Side B
3. Theme from the Exorcist – Later Single Edit
4. Extract from TB (UK Single)
5. Froggy Went-A-Courtin (UK 7" single)
6. Why Are We Sleeping – 2nd half of Kevin Ayers and the Whole World – Live at BBC 1972 (similar music to the end of TB Pt. 2)
7. Percy Faith TB - 5th movement (cover)
8. Book of Love – Tubular Bells 7” mix (cover)
9. Tubular Bells Part One Live (US mix from Airborne from Exposed Tour)
10. AIH studio version – (Extremely rare – denied to exist)

Disc Two:
1. In Dulci Jubilo (for Maureen)
2. Don Alfonso (long version)
3. Girl Of My Dreams – by Bram Tchaikowsky on album Strange Man, Changed Man (MO plays tubular bells on the end – hard to hear)
4. Everybody's Sometime And Some People's All The Time Blues (Studio) - Kevin Ayers from The Confessions of Dr. Dream – Mike plays guitar (I Think)
5. Whatever She Brings We Sing
6. Stranger In Blue Suede Shoes
7. Champagne Cowboy Blues
8. Lullaby (all 4 songs from Kevin Ayers / WhateverSheBringsWeSing – Mike on guitar)
9. Downwind – Gong –(Mike bass & Guit on middle section, guit on 1st section, this only includes 2/3 of the song)
10. Little Red Robin Hood Hit The Road by Robert Wyatt –(Mike plays guit)
11. Lunatics Lament – Kevin Ayers & The Whole World – (Mike on guitar and distorted voice)
12. Ma Song – from Fine Old Tom by Tom Newman – (Features Mike on guitar, only has part of song)
13. Everybody's Sometime Blues (Live) – Kevin Ayers from June 1,1974 – (features Mike on guit)
14. Don Alfonso (single)
15. Froggy Went A'Courtin (German B Side)
16. Fed Up, Fed Up (Early version of Gimme Back)
17. The Source of Secrets from forthcoming TB III

Disc Three:
1. Nurses Song – (excerpt from Nurses Song With Elephants by David Bedford, faded up where Mike is on bass)
2. Stars from Odd Ditties (Mike on guitar and/or bass)
3. Suzie – (From Fine Old Tom by Tom Newman – MO on twiddly bits??)
4. Speak Down The Wires – (from Edgar Broughton Band, MO plays dulcimer)
5. The Sirens (2nd half) – (of 10 minute song by David Bedford, MO playing guit)
Berkley show: April 19,1982
6. Conflict (2nd half... where taping started)
7. Sheba
8. Mirage
9. Tubular Bells Pt 2
10. Sailors Hornpipe
11. Taurus 2 (almost complete - tape ended)

Disc Four:
Berkley Show April 19, 1982(continued)
1. Taurus 2 (Finale)
2. Ommadawn Pt.1
3. Tubular Bells Pt. 1 (tape ran out near the end)
4. Family Man (last song)
5. I've Got Rhythm (alternate "Impressions" version)
6. Ommadawn (7" single)
7. Passed You By (Speed Corrected version by Phil Beer)
8. Pipe Tune
Rhino Records release party for Tubular Bells 2
November 5, 1992
(MO solo acoustic live from home video)
9. Tub 1 & Tub 2
10. Angie
11. Amarok

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Tangerine Tree (Todos los enlaces)

Todos estos enlaces los encontré publicados en una de tantas webs mientras buscaba datos acerca de una edición especial del álbum "Zeit" de Tangerine Dream en el que se contenía un disco extra conteniendo una edición del concierto realizado en Colonia (Alemania), año 1972, de título "Klangwald" y que resulta ser una edición pulida de uno de los 92 volúmenes de la gigantesca serie Tangerine Tree, justamente el volumen 52.

Al ser Rapidshare una de las pocas webs que, por el momento, se han librado del embate de la industria cuando se esperaba un efecto multiplicador tras el cierre inesperado de Megaupload, como ocurriera con Napster, alivia ver que los mismos siguen activos en apariencia. Al margen de este detalle, los fans de Tangerine Dream van a agradecer mucho (aun cuando algunos ya conocieran de la existencia de estos enlaces en particular) la publicación de los mismos: hay conciertos grabados en vivo con una calidad bastante aceptable (en algunos casos, la fuente de sonido procedía de emisoras de radio que emitieron en directo dichos espectáculos con lo que su calidad es mejor).

Web del proyecto Tangerine Tree:

Aviso a navegantes y a quien crea que estos enlaces proporcionan material con contenidos protegidos por copyright y sobre todo para evitar equívocos que tendríamos que lamentar después: Edgar Froese, fundador de Tangerine Dream, ha dado absoluto permiso a los que publicaron estos archivos con conciertos y rarezas para que todo este material sea de libre distribución a través de la red, mientras nadie se beneficie con ello:

"Tangerine Tree was a series compiled by various members of TD fan forums and message boards. It gathers shows from all eras of the group. This was authorized by TD, provided that they were made available on a strictly not for profit basis. The shows range from excellent audience recordings to soundboards. Each text folder has the links for the shows. Each show comes with full scale artwork. Hope you all enjoy."

Todo sobre lo que significa esta gran colección, en Wikipedia.

Por lo que pudiera pasar en el futuro con Rapidshare y ante la posibilidad de perder todos estos archivos, agradecería muchísimo a los autores iniciales de estas ediciones o quien vaya a lanzarse a bajárselos, que los pongan en otra web. Bien podría ser en Internet Archive.

No he comprobado todos los archivos, pero me supongo que funcionan todos.

¡Que los disfrutéis!

miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

Jethro Tull - Back To The Family (Live bootleg, 1969)

I had this album in MP3 format since years ago, as downloaded long time before from a sharelist web. Of course, I've tried to track it around internet again with this title, but I only find pages that redirects to the lyrics of eponymous entitled song until I've come to sight it at a second hand online store. This bootleg CD contains the concert made at Konserthuset, Stockholm in January 1969.

Release by OIL WELL RECORDS on CD.


01. Back To The Family
02. Martin's Tune
03. To Be Sad Is A Mad Way To Be
04. Back To The Family
05. Dharma For One
06. Nothing Is Easy
07. A Song For Jeffrey

If any copyright holder has a claim against this bootleg before sueing the blog, I can remove it without any problem.

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

Allman Brothers Band - Live at University Of Missouri (1971)

This album was downloaded long time ago from a site that disappeared, after trying to look for it again. Now, it's so hard to know exactly if it is an official release or a bootleg as there is no info around the internet with the same contents of this tracklisting, albeit finding something like it's part of a full set concert made at Brewer Fieldhouse in Columbia (Missouri) in Febrary 28th, 1971. Otherwise other statements can be made writing a comment.


01. Statesboro Blues
02. Don't Keep Me Wondering
03. In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed
04. Midnight Rider
05. Dreams
06. Hot Lanta

Any copyright holder wanting me to remove the file, it's in their right and I will do it instantly. Anyway, is there any official edition in CD or another format of this live material?

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Mike Oldfield - Live in Bordeaux, 08-11-1984

Bootleg live concert made at Patinoire de Meriadeck in Bordeaux, France, 8 Nov. 1984.

Disc 1:

1. Platinum
2. Tubular Bells part II
3. In High Places
4. Foreign Affair
5. Mount Teide
6. Taurus I & II
7. The Lake
8. Five Miles Out
9. Crises

Disc 2:

1. To France
2. Poison Arrows
3. Crystal Gazing
4. Tricks Of The Light
5. Discovery
6. Talk About Your Life
7. Saved By A Bell
8. Moonlight Shadow
9. Taurus III
10. Shadow On The Wall

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content.

Pink Floyd - The Last Gadgets Of Oxyminus (1969)

Bootleg concert containing two live sets 17 Sep 1969, (1-7) Amsterdam Concertgebouw, London, January - August '69 (8 - 10).

Seven of the recorded tracks also surface on the Amsterdam '69 ROIO. Several species... should read Grantchester Meadows (excellent version, imho). The jazzy Biding my Time is transformed into heavy metal by Dave's rocking solo, really great. Excellent version of Cymbaline, imho. ASOS doesn't contain the lead vocals by Dave (this one is quite bad quality). The first Green is the colour is sang by Roger, the second is by Dave. Quite good quality, what makes this ROIO great is the great mood it can create. Also the performances are very strong. - Zaphy

Format: CD
Catalog: WPOCM 0989do33-2 World Production Of Compact Music
(P) 1989 Made in Italy


1. Several Species... 7:02
2. Biding My Time 4:32
3. The Grandvizer's Garden Party (III, Exit) 1:13
4. Sleep (=Cymbaline) 12:10
5. Labyrinth 3:00
6. Green Is The Colour 3:21
7. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 2:35
8. A Saucerful Of Secrets 6:36
9. The Narrow Way 4:27
10. Green Is The Colour 6:04

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content.

Genesis - Live in Leicester (1973)

Sometimes the original is the best. Genesis released a live album early in their career. As the band was relatively unknown, the live album was a single LP but sold at the then low price of £1.99. Hence the recording was trimmed to fit the time constraints of the format. But collectors have finally found their Holy Grail, the double LP version.


Live in Leicester [Genesis Archive, 1CD]
Live at DeMontfort Hall, Leicester, Feb 25, 1973 (except * Manchester Free Trade Hall, Feb 24, 1973)

The following are notes by fan quadrophenia who shared this more complete version of the famous Genesis Live album late last year:

This is the remaster of the Dutch Test Pressing (2LP) of the officially released album Genesis Live. This one sounds better than all official releases of that album. The track "Supper's Ready" was not included in the official release.

The officially released songs are different in the following ways:

"This Dutch Live Test Pressing is not a regular test pressing because what was finally used on the official Genesis Live LP is different than what was used on this pressing. An extra song is included, the introductions are longer, and the mix is different." (source:

"It is my conclusion that these LPs are a sort of anomaly; neither a regular test pressing nor a radio concert. These are test pressings for the Leicester/Manchester 1973 concert that was to be used on the official Genesis Live LPs, but not a test pressing for the official LPs themselves." (source:

Recording comment:

"The ultimate version of this wonderful collectors item. Finest sound quality ever found, this release put all the other ones to shame. I really wonder how did they manage to produce this, it's such a professional remastering work!. This is what Genesis Live could have been... well, I think the guys should have a listened to this priceless piece of work and then ... release it as should have been at last!, with all the fascinating Gabriel stories, a more natural live atmosphere and the arguably best version I've ever heard of Supper's Ready."

For further information please look here:

Source: Philips/Phonogram Int. B.V. test pressing (2LP), provided by Willem Beens. Vinyl transferring (EMT 950 turntable with TSD 15 moving-coil stylus), audio restoration (CEDAR Cambridge), mastering, cover scans and design by tom 2006.

TM Productions April 2006

The version of Supper's Ready here is unique as it is not the same as the version on Genesis Archives Vol 1. That version comes from a concert at the Rainbow Theatre on Oct 20, 1973 and Peter Gabriel reportedly rerecorded some of his vocals for the boxset as did Steve Hackett for his guitar parts.


1. Watcher Of The Skies (8:35)
2. The Musical Box (10:38)
3. Get 'Em Out By Friday (9:00)
4. Supper's Ready (23:45)
5. The Return Of The Giant Hogweed* (8:22)
6. The Knife (9:27)

Total time 75:04

Tony Banks
Phil Collins
Peter Gabriel
Steve Hackett
Mike Rutherford


Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content.

Genesis - Henry's Green Kickerboxers (BBC Paris Studio's, Live 1972)

1972-03-02 (BBC Paris Studios) and 1972-09-25 (BBC London)
Type: Soundboard
Quality: Excellent
Size: 75MB

01 - Intro
02 - The Fountain Of Salmacis
03 - Intro
04 - Peter Gabriel Intro
05 - The Musical Box
06 - Intro
07 - The Return Of The Giant Hogweed
08 - Twilight Alehouse
09 - Get 'em Out By Friday
10 - Watcher Of The Skies

Tracks 1-7: March 2, 1972
In Concert: BBC Paris Studios, London, UK

Tracks 8-10: September 25, 1972
Sounds Of The Seventies: BBC, London, UK

Both are from the BBC master DAT.

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content.

Genesis - Academy Of Music. Live in NYC. May 4th, 1974

Date 04-May-1974
Venue Academy of Music, New York NY
Audience Quality A

Disc 1:

1 Watcher Of The Skies 08:12
2 Britannia Story 02:25
3 One Handed Drum Solo 01:52
4 Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 08:37
5 Romeo Story 02:09
6 Cinema Show 10:55
7 I Know What I Like 06:12
8 5 Rivers Story 02:39
9 Firth Of Fifth 09:50

Disc 2:

1 Henry Story 03:06
2 "Some In Betweens Phil..." 01:20
3 The Musical Box 10:46
4 Horizons 02:16
5 The Battle Of Epping Forest 12:24
6 Old Michael Story 03:24
7 Supper's Ready 25:44

Total Running Time : 1h 51min

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions and in no way should be sold or marketed.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Pink Floyd - The Man And The Journey (1969)

Live at the Concertgebow, Amsterdam, Sept. 17, 1969.

Label: Great Dane Records
Cat. nº: GDR CD 9207
Country: Italy
Date release: 1992
Not for sale - For promotional use only

The Man and the Journey is the name of a conceptual music piece performed at Pink Floyd live shows in 1969. It consists of several of their early songs coupled with material that would appear on Soundtrack from the Film More and Ummagumma, as well as unreleased songs. The material was incorporated into two album-length suites, The Man and The Journey. The concerts also included visual performance elements such as the sawing and construction of a table and consumption of afternoon tea onstage.

The concept was first performed 14 April, 1969 at the Royal Festival Hall in a show billed as The Massed Gadgets of Auximenes - More Furious Madness from Pink Floyd. A truncated version of the show was recorded 12 May, 1969 for the Top Gear radio programme. The 17 September performance at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam is the most widely bootlegged of the shows on the tour because it was broadcast by radio station VPRO. Plans for an official live album release of The Man and the Journey were considered, but abandoned due to overlap of material with Ummagumma.

To most fans, the work is either entirely unknown or at least unrecognized as the genesis of Pink Floyd's 'themed pieces'. The band themselves have seldom made reference to it in later interviews. Yet the unique combination of quadraphonic sound effects, abstract program music, and recursive themes — all of which can be traced to The Man and The Journey — were to become further developed in the band's most enduring music.


Part I: The Man

1. "Daybreak, Pt. I" ("Grantchester Meadows", from Ummagumma) 8:09
2. "Work" (Percussion and vibraphone with musical sawing & hammering) 3:50
3. "Teatime" (Pink Floyd were served tea on stage at this point)
4. "Afternoon" ("Biding My Time", from Relics) 5:15
5. "Doing It!" ("The Grand Vizier's Garden Party (Entertainment)" [6:12 onwards], from Ummagumma, or in some performances it was replaced by a unique combination of "Up the Khyber" [from More] and an early "Heart Beat Pig Meat" [from Zabriskie Point]) 3:49
6. "Sleep" ("Quicksilver", from Soundtrack from the Film More) 4:40
7. "Nightmare" ("Cymbaline", from More) 8:57
8. "Daybreak, Pt. II" ("Grantchester Meadows" instrumental reprise, with alarm clock sound effects) 1:13

Part II: The Journey

1. "The Beginning" ("Green Is the Colour", from Soundtrack from the Film More) 4:49
2. "Beset By Creatures of the Deep" ("Careful with That Axe, Eugene") 6:18
3. "The Narrow Way" ("The Narrow Way, Part 3", from Ummagumma) 5:09
4. "The Pink Jungle" ("Pow R. Toc H.", from The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, or in some performances a unique instrumental, similar to "Nick's Boogie") 4:49
5. "The Labyrinths of Auximines" (Part of "Interstellar Overdrive", from The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, a riff commonly played during the middle, not the main riff) 6:34
6. "Behold the Temple of Light" (A few seconds of this piece is heard on Ummagumma just before "The Narrow Way, part 3", greatly expanded here) 5:28
7. "The End of the Beginning" ("A Saucerful of Secrets, Pt. IV - Celestial Voices" [8:38 onwards], from A Saucerful of Secrets) 6:14

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions and in no way should be sold or marketed.

Pink Floyd - A Trick Of The Light (1970)

Live in San Antonio, Civic Auditorium, October 1970
Cat nº: WPOCM 1190DC062-2
Audio source: Soundboard. Excellent quality.
Encoded: 224 (VBR) kbps, MP3
File: 51,8 MB


01. Interestellar Overdrive (12.25)
02. The Embryo (8.57)
03. Atom Heart Mother (20.39)
04. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (18.03)

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions and in no way should be sold or marketed.

Mike Oldfield - Live Then & Now (London, 1999)

Live Then & Now '99, Jul 13 London (Wembley Arena), UK
Sound: Very good.
Encoded: 128 kbps, MP3


Mike Oldfield - Guitars & Keyboards
Adrian Thomas - Keyboards & Guitars
Claire Nicolson - Keyboards & Guitars
Carrie Melbourne - Bass & Keyboards
Pepsi Demacque - Vocals
Fergus Gerrand - Drums & Percussions
Caroline Monk - Tubular Bells

Supported by Mark Nevin


In The Beginning
Let There Be Light
Crystal Clear
Shadow On The Wall
Ommadawn Part 1
Summit Day
The Source of Secrets
The Watchful Eye
Jewel In The Crown
Serpent Dream
The Inner Child
Secrets - Far Above The Clouds


Moonlight Shadow
Family Man
Secrets/Ad Lib - Far Above The Clouds

A poor image quality but good sound audience video performance is found at Google Videos

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions and in no way should be sold or marketed.

Mike Oldfield - Live In Preston (Guild Hall, 23 May 1980)

Live concert made at Guild Hall, in Preston (England) on 23rd May 1980.
Audio source: Sound check - audience. Very good quality.
Codification: 128kbps MP3
CD 1: 50 MB
CD 2: 73 MB (Incl. covers)

Disc 1:

01. Platinum (21.35)
02. Punkadiddle (4.41)
03. I Got Rhythm (7.35)
04. Polka (3.52)
05. Ommadawn Part 1 (19.10)

Disc 2:

01. Incantations - Excerpts from Parts 1 to 4 (23.40)
02. Tubular Bells Part II (7.19)
03. Sailor's Hornpipe (1.42)
04. Guilty (6.21)
05. Tubular Bells Part I (28.34)
06. Blue Peter (2.37)
07. Portsmouth (1.43)
08. Punkadiddle (7.00)

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions or private recordings and in no way should be sold or marketed.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Mogwai - Live in Japan (22 Nov., 1999)

Extraño resulta que ha caido en mis manos un bootleg de Mogwai con un concierto en vivo celebrado en Japón en la fecha del 22 de noviembre de 1999. También extraño que no encuentre alguna referencia clara de este evento en la red, y por tanto me resultaría increible que la fecha concuerde con lo que se puede sacar de esta grabación, por otro lado con un buen sonido.

De todas maneras, cualquiera que pueda conocer profusamente los conciertos de Mogwai puede indicarme qué hay de cierto en la fecha, teniendo en cuenta el tracklist siguiente, y si puede facilitar la localización del lugar de su celebración.


01. Mogwai Fear Satan (12:05)
02. Cody (7:07)
03. Christmas Steps (9:02)
04. Summer (4:55)
05. May Nothing But Happiness (9:25)
06. Come Through Your Door (13:15)
07. Kappa (5:18)
08. Helicon 1 (9:14)
09. Like Herod (24:44)

Any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions and in no way should be sold or marketed.

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Syd Barrett - Vinyl Sessions EP (Studio out-takes 1969-1971)

Format: 7-inch EP (33 rpm)
Label: Octopus
Release year: unknown
Cat. nº: NR-16509
State: Unauthorised / bootleg record
Genre: Psych. rock


A1 - Dark Globe
A2 - Word Song
B1 - Birdy Hop
B2 - Milky Way

- MP3 / 128 kbps

Frank Zappa - KCET TV studio (Live in Los Angeles) (1974)

Tracks from the KCET-TV studio, Los Angeles, 6/7-Aug-1974. They first appeared on Indiscreet Picture Show and A Token of His Extreme.

Current listing:

1. Montana (3:54)
2. Stink-Foot (Tom Waits Version) (3:56)
3. Inca Roads (9:28)
4. Dog Breath Variations / Uncle Meat [listed as "Dog Breath"] (3:50)
5. Approximate (1:23)
6. Cosmik Debris (7:35)
7. Florentine Pogen (9:55)

- MP3 / 128 kbps

If any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions or private recordings made for public exposure and in no way should be sold or marketed.

Frank Zappa - Live in Washington (11th Nov, 1972)

Live at DAR Constitution Hall, Washington DC, on 11st November, 1972.

Disc 1:

1. Farther O'Blivion (18:41)
2. Cosmik Debris (6:15)
3. Little Dots (22:18)
4. Caravan (with drum solo) (2:56)

Disc 2:

1. When The Saints Go Marchin' In (1:31)
2. Imaginary Diseases (13:52)
3. Chunga's Revenge (19:10)
4. America Drinks (4:23)

- CD 1

- CD 2

If any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions or private recordings made for public exposure and in no way should be sold or marketed.

Camel - Live in Warsaw, Poland (1997)

6th April, 1997 live concert at Sala Kongresowa, Warsaw, Poland.

Track List:


01 - Lunar Sea
02 - Hymn to Her
03 - Rhayader
04 - Rhayader Goes to Town
05 - Preparation
06 - Dunkirk
07 - Drafted
08 - Docks
09 - Beached
10 - Spirit of the Water
11 - Ice
12 - Sasquatch
13 - Milk'n Honey
14 - Mother Road
15 - Needles
16 - Rose of Sharon


01 - Irish Air
02 - Irish Air (reprise)
03 - Harbour of Tears
04 - Cóbh
05 - Send Home the Slates
06 - Under the Moon
07 - Watching the Bobbins
08 - Eyes of Ireland
09 - Running from Paradise
10 - End of the Day
11 - Coming of Age
12 - The Hour Candle
13 - Never Let Go

Bonus Tracks:
14 - Lady Fantasy (Hala Wisly, Krakow 5 Apr 97)
15 - Spirit of the Water (acoustic from Dutch Radio 'Two Meter Sessions')
16 - Send Home the Slates (acoustic from Dutch Radio 'Two Meter Sessions')

Download (Torrent)

If any copyright holder wants this live material removed from my blog, I can do it with no problem. Just communicate it previously before proceeding in a wrong way like reporting against the full blog when most of my blog entries doesn't have a similar content. This stuff consist in fans productions or private recordings made for public exposure and in no way should be sold or marketed.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2007

Frank Zappa - Ballet Music (Live Bootleg)


01. Intro / 9 Types Of Industrial Pollution / Zolar Czakl / Interlude / Sharleena (Live in New York, 1970) - 17.18
02. Ballet Music (Live in Boston, 1968) - 6.19
03. Status Back Baby (Boston, 1968) - 3.35
04. Valerie (Boston, 1968) - 3.57
05. Sanzini Brothers / What Will This Morning Bring? / What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are / Bwana Dick / Latex Solar Beef / Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. (Live in New York, 1970) - 15.35
06. REDUNZL (Stockholm, 1973) - 4.20
07. Drum Solo (Sydney, 1973) - 1.54


Enya - Music Video Collection (DVD, 2022)

Ha llegado a mis manos en días recientes este set en DVD con prácticamente todos los vídeos oficiales de Enya. Habiendo sido publicado en 20...